No: 300, 22 November 2023, Press Release Regarding Türkiye’s Election to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee for the Term 2023-2027

Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 22.11.2023

Türkiye has been elected as a member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee for the term 2023-2027, in the elections that took place today at the 24th Session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, held in Paris. Türkiye received the highest number of votes with 137 votes in the vacant seat category for which it was nominated.

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee, which is responsible for promoting cultural and natural assets with universal values that are considered as the common heritage of all humanity, raising awareness in societies to protect these assets, and taking the necessary measures to preserve the cultural and natural values that have deteriorated for various reasons, manages the work related to the World Heritage List, where 21 sites from Türkiye are also registered.

Türkiye has served twice before at the UNESCO World Heritage Committee for the 1983-1989 and 2013-2017 terms, and aims to use its experience and knowledge that it has accumulated in the management and protection of 21 world heritage sites which represent all civilizations that have existed in Anatolia since the Neolithic era, in its international work as a member of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.


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