Press Release Regarding the Understanding of a Reduction in Violence between the USA and Taliban

Kabil Büyükelçiliği 22.02.2020

No: 54
22 February 2020


We are pleased that the United States and Taliban have agreed on a seven-day nationwide reduction in violence in Afghanistan as of the 22nd of February.

It is important that during this period, provisions of the agreement are meticulously adhered to, and acts of violence are avoided.

We hope that the agreement, which is foreseen to be signed between the United States and Taliban, will pave the way to lasting peace that will be attained through inter-Afghan negotiations. We once again stress that for this process to be successfully completed, it must be inclusive in nature encompassing all segments, and everyone should demonstrate a constructive approach.

We invite all international actors, first and foremost regional countries, to provide the necessary support for the establishment of lasting peace in Afghanistan.

In this direction, Turkey will continue to support the friendly and brotherly people of Afghanistan.


Sunday - Thursday

08:30 - 12:30 / 13:30 - 18:00

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