Ambassador's remarks 30 AUGUST

Kabil Büyükelçiliği 31.08.2018

Minister Nazari, Minister Azimi, Minister Zeki, Deputy Minister Nadari,

Fellow Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we have gathered here to celebrate the 96th (ninetysixth) anniversary of the Victory Day of Turkey, a milestone in our history. I have the pleasure to welcome you all on this occasion.

The torch of independence which the Turkish nation ignited under the able leadership of Mustafa Kemal ATATURK in 1919 was crowned with victory on August 30th , 1922. The dire conditions and deprivations of that time make this victory all the more precious and meaningful. This victory is indeed the most obvious proof of what a nation can venture and accomplish in order to save its independence and its dignity when confronted with the inevitable choice of ‘’either independence or extermination”.

The Victory of August 30 symbolizes Turkish nation’s will to the entire world to live independently on its homeland, and was a turning point in the Turkish War of Independence. This victory paved the way for the liberation of the Turkish territories and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923.Ataturk’s motto“PEACE AT HOME, PEACE IN THE WORLD”has served as a guiding beacon for successive Turkish governments, as they deployed every effort to build an environment of peace and stability around Turkey and beyond.

Having its political and military consequences in history, this victory became a source of inspiration for many oppressed nations who fought similar wars. It is with this victory that the Turkish nation has demonstrated that colonialism is doomed to failure.

Ata time when Afghanistan is facing enormous, multiple challenges, Turkey will continue to stand side by side with its Afghan brothers and sisters. The victory of 30th of August should be identified as a lesson for those who are targeting the national unity, security and stability of Afghanistan.

As one of the four framework nations in Afghanistan, Turkey will continue to use every means available to support Afghan Governments in their efforts to provide a stable, peaceful and secure future for the people of Afghanistan.

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,

In conclusion, I would like to remember gratefully Mustafa Kemal ATATURK as well as his comrades. I wish Allah’s mercy upon all the fallen and veterans of Turkey and Afghanistan as well as our Allies and partners.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Sunday - Thursday

08:30 - 12:30 / 13:30 - 18:00

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